August 11, 2009

Welcome to Pets Unlimited

Welcome to our new Pets Unlimited blog. We hope to fill this blog with content that you will find both interesting and informative about both our Veterinary Center and Adoption Center. We appreciate any comments and feedback you have, or any suggestions for future topics.

I'm Tom Mason, Director of Veterinary Services, and I have been a part of Pets Unlimited since 1991. I joined this practice as a relatively new Associate Veterinarian, just 2 years out of veterinary school. I was new to San Francisco, a city I had always dreamed of making my home. What I have found over the past 18 years is that Pets Unlimited has offered me a rare and unique opportunity. I get to practice state of the art veterinary medicine with a compassionate and committed group of colleagues and support team members while working with amazing clients and patients to promote heath, longevity and quality of life. I also get the additional reward that this work directly supports an adoption program that takes dogs and cats that are in need, rehabilitates them and finds them new, loving homes. Both personally and professional, who could ask for more? And this is the reason that I look forward to continuing to be a part of this amazing organization as we move toward our next stage of growth and development.

At various points along the way, every organization has to stop and reflect and ask certain questions: What keeps us doing what we do? What guides us in why we do things and how we do them? As part of these challenging economic times, we recently asked ourselves these questions as part of our strategic planning process. Part of the answer involved our developing a set of Core Values that have become our guiding principles. Simply put, they form the foundation for what we do, why we do it and, most importantly, how we interact with each other. I offer them to you not only because of the resonance they hold for me personally, not only because of the beauty that I think exists in the words and their meaning, but also in the hope they help to inform you about the nature of our organization and the people that are a part of it. We hope that you will join us by adopting from us, volunteering with us, donating to us or using our Veterinary Center.

Pets Unlimited's Core Values

Our most precious resource is you-client, patient, volunteer, board trustee, donor, team member. You are our partner. These are our core values which we will demonstrate in our goals, words and actions at all times.

Compassionate Client Care

We will always ask how we can be of service to you. We promise always to listen to you, to empathize with you, to celebrate with you, to sympathize with you, to support you and to help you in any way we can.


Our success depends on all of our efforts. We acknowledge that we do not know everything but that by working together from a place of trust and good intentions we can find a solution to almost any problem.


Our success depends on listening to each other and communicating openly and honestly. We will value you and your contributions through our words and actions at all times.


We keep our promises and honor our commitments. You can count and depend on us.


We are human, and we are therefore fallible. We highly value and ask for your feedback, whether it is to tell us that we were helpful to you at a difficult time, or to let us know how we should handle things better and differently, and be of greater service to you in the future.

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